Sunday, December 27, 2009


Well we made it through the Christmas Holiday here! We really enjoyed ourselves. I made lasagna for Christmas Eve and we had my friends Wendy and Mark over. Christmas morning we opened gifts, and scored really well! Bubba got a camera and his own laptop, and I got an iTouch. So we are both high-tech, whoopie!!! Made a pear puff pancake for breakfast, then a ham. We went to my brother Frank's for dinner, and I took lasagna over there. It was a very nice holiday. (notice its all about the food?). My sis Linda had our name, and even thoough we all donated to brother Dennis this year, she sent little gifts for us to open on Christmas Eve. And she sent me some cookies, as I cant bake to save my life! Thanks, Linda! We picked Julie's family and we sent little gifts and candy and I made them a Christmas wall hanging that went somewhere!
Although Christmas was beautiful, we are sad about the people who are not with us this year. Mostly dad and little baby Kaden, my niece Jacquie and Rusty's baby. Its so sad, and our hearts ache for everyone involved in their lives. I pray that they feel our love for them and that they know we love them. A lot.
I had some missionaries over yesterday who were spreading the gospel. Bubba sort of listened from the other room. I thought he wasn't paying much attention until they asked to pray with me, and his eyes popped out of his head. They left a book of Mormon and will return next week. Who knows????
Well thats it for now.


  1. well you sere are catching on to the blog thing. I am proud of you. I am glad you enjoyed the missionaries. We did not send them I promise.
